美文欣赏 让你放下手机的7个理由 - 范文中心

美文欣赏 让你放下手机的7个理由



No one will be surprised to learn that texting is nearly universal among young adults with cell phones (so, um, all of them?). According to the data, 97 percent of cell phone users under 30 text every day. Oldsters are not far behind them: 92 percent of the 30 to 49 set text every day and 72 percent of the 50 to 64 age group do too.

有手机的年轻人发发短信早已屡见不鲜了。(呃,所有人都这样?) 数据统计显示,在30岁以下年龄段,97%手机用户每天发短信;年纪长点的也不甘落后:在30-49岁年龄段,有92%的人每天发短信;在50-64岁年龄段,72%的人也每天发短信。

And while texting can be a great way to stay in touch, to make seamless plans and to share the minor frustrations and comedies of daily life in almost real time, it sure has a downside. What do we lose when we settle for the plugged-in and tuned-out life? Read on to learn why it really might be time to put the phone down -- even if it's just for an hour or an afternoon or a day.


1. It'll help you sleep better tonight


We all know that cell phone use during the wee hours can be disruptive to our sleep patterns, but it's also true that texting during the day could harm our ability to get a good night's sleep, according to a recent study in the journal Psychology of Popular Media Culture.


In the study, researchers followed the stress levels, texting habits and sleep of first year college students. They found that regardless of stress levels, the more people texted during the day the poorer their sleep was.


2. Your divided attention could keep you from what's truly important


We're not just talking about missing special moments -- although surely, texting during time spent with loved ones can prevent full engagement. We're talking about priorities.


3. Your posture is suffering


Texting can actually harm your whole body. People get so focused on these devices that they end up holding their neck and upper back in abnormal

positions for a long period of time; enough that other people coined the phrase "text neck", which is essentially referring to postural pain.


Want to counteract the effect of all this stooping and texting? Bring your phone to eye level while you use it or actually training for your endurance texting with back, neck and core strengthening exercises. Oh, and give your phone a rest!

想治好发短信时驼背哈腰造成的疼痛吗? 那就在使用时把手机放到视线齐平的位置,或端正脖子及后背的姿势。还有,让手机消停一会儿吧!

4. We can't believe we still have to say this, but it disrupts your driving


Hopefully you know by now that you can't text and drive (since it's the law and all), but an astounding 80 percent of college-aged drivers admit to engaging in this behavior, despite knowing how dangerous it can be.


You are 23 times more likely to crash if you're texting behind the wheel, according to a federal report. And cell phone use was associated with 18 percent of " distraction"-related deaths.


5. It makes you a less responsible pedestrian 使你走路时磕磕碰碰

Even if you aren't driving, your texting could be a

liability to the people around you. A study in the British Medical Journal found that one in three people are distracted by mobile devices while walking and that texting was the most distracting of all the mobile

activities -- including listening to music and talking on the phone.


The researchers observed more than 1,000

pedestrians during rush hour in Seattle and recorded

their phone habits and safety precautions as they crossed traffic junctions. They reported that texting pedestrians were almost four times more likely to ignore traffic lights, fail to look both ways at a cross and to cross outside of the demarcated crosswalk. 在西雅图的高峰时段,研究人员观察了近1000名行人,记录下他们过马路时的电话习惯和安全防范措施。结果表明,发短信的人无视红绿灯的几率高达4倍,而且这些人既不注意两边路况,也常常走到人行道外面去。

6. Your school or work performance will suffer 影响学习或工作

Your texting could be holding back your productivity at work or school. According to one study of college

students, female first year students spend an average 12 hours texting and engaging in social media -- and extensive media use is associated with lower academic performance.

发短信可能会影响工作效率或学习成绩。根据大学生的一项调查显示,大一女生平均有12小时耗在短信和社交媒介上,而沉溺于社交媒体和较差的学业大有关联。 But it isn't just college students who face texting distractions. A study conducted at the University of

Michigan found that short interruptions at work -- even just the duration of reading or sending a text -- can increase the number of errors a worker makes during a single task, reported HealthDay.

而且,不仅大学生有“短信分心”现象,根据HealthDay 的报道,密歇根大学的一项调查还发现,工作时的短暂干扰——哪怕只是查看或发送一条短信,也会增加工作出错几率。

7. It can prevent you from really enjoying the activities you cherish


Google executive Bonita Stewart banishes her cell phone from her ballet class so that she can enjoy her dance practice unfettered by her to-do list.



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