盗梦空间的精彩对白 - 范文中心




Architect: He won't wake.

Arthur: Give him the kick!


Arthur: Dunk him.

Cobb:He's out.You came prepared, hmm?

Saito: Not even my head of security knows this apartment. How did you find it? Cobb:It's very difficult for a man of your position to keep a love nest like this secretparticularly when there's a married woman involved.

Saito:She would never...

Cobb: Yet, here we are.

Arthur: With the dilemma. They're getting closer.

Saito:You got what you came for.

Cobb: Well, that's not true. You left out a key piece of information, didn't you? You held something back because you knew what we were up to. Question is, why'd you let us in at all?

Saito: An audition.

Cobb: An audition for what?

Saito: Doesn't matter. You failed.

Cobb: We extracted every bit of information you had in there.

Saito: But your deception was obvious. So leave me and go.

Cobb: You don't seem to understand, Mr. Saito. That corporation that hired us, they won't accept failure. We won't last two days.

Arthur: Cobb?

Cobb: Looks like I'm gonna have to do this a little more simply. Tell us what you know! Tell us what you know, now!

Saito: I've always hated this carpet. It's stained and frayed in such distinctive ways.But very definitely made of wool. Right now...I'm lying on

polyester. Which means I'm not lying on my carpet, in my apartment. You have lived up to your reputation, Mr. Cobb. I'm still dreaming.

Boy: How'd it go?

Arthur: Not good.

Saito: Dream within a dream, huh. I'm impressed.But in my dream, you play by my rules.

Architect: Yes, but you see Mr. Saito...

Cobb:We're not in your dream.

Architect: We're in mine.

Arthur: Asshole. How did you mess up the carpet?

Architect:It wasn't my fault.

Arthur: You're the architect.

Architect:I don't know he's gonna rub his damn cheek on it!

Cobb: That's enough.

Arthur: You, what the hell was all that?

Cobb: I have it under control.

Arthur: I'd hate to see you out of control.

Cobb: We don't have time for this. I'm getting off at Kyoto.

Architect:Why? He's not gonna check every compartment.

Cobb: I don't like trains. Listen. Every man for himself.


1.kick: 在本片中指把在梦境中的人唤醒,发生在N层梦境,然后把N+1层梦境中的人拉回到N层。

2.love nest: 爱巢,情侣幽会处。这里指齐藤在外“金屋藏娇”的地方。

3.hold something back: 不向(某人)透露情况;隐瞒。这里柯布的意思是“你留了一手”。hold back information就是指“隐瞒消息”。

此外,hold back还可以表示“抑制,控制(感情等)”或者“妨碍进展”。例如:She held back from telling him what she thought of him.(她要把自己对他的看法告诉他,但又觉得难以启齿。)

4.audition: 试验。一般用来表示“试演,试唱”。

例如:None of the actresses we've auditioned is suitable.(我们试演的这些女演员都不合适。)

5.We won't last two days:我们活不过两天。last在这里意思是“幸免于;活下去”。

6.live up to: 没有辜负,实现。这里的live up to your reputation指的是“你果然名不虚传”。

例如:She tries up to live up to her ideals.(她努力要实现她的理想。)

某人“说到做到”就可以用live up to his word来表示。

7.play by my rules:按我的规矩来。 by rule表示“按照规矩地,或者墨守成规地”。

8.mess up:搞砸,陷入困境。

Proceed with care, or you'll mess up.(你必须小心行事,不然就要倒霉。)

9.Every man for himself:人各为己;各人自扫门前雪。这里柯布的意思是,任务失败了,“大家各走各路”。


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