圣诞节 奥巴马演讲 - 范文中心

圣诞节 奥巴马演讲


Good morning. On this Christmas day, as families across the nation gather in our homes to celebrate, Laura and I extend to all Americans our best wishes for the holidays. We hope this Christmas is a time of joy and peace for each of you, and we hope it offers you a chance for rest and reflection as you look forward to the new year ahead.

早上好!在圣诞节这天,当各家各户都聚集在家里庆祝的时候,劳拉和我在此向美国的所有民众致以节日最美好的祝福。我们希望这个圣诞节对你们每个人来说都是洋溢着喜悦与平和的日子。 我们也希望在你们翘首企盼着新年到来的同时,圣诞节也能为你们带来休息与思考的机会。

The Christmas season fills our hearts with gratitude for the many blessings in our lives. And with those blessings comes a responsibility to reach out to others. Many of our fellow Americans still suffer from the effects of illness or poverty, others fight cruel addictions, or cope with division in their families, or grieve the loss of a loved one.


Christmastime reminds each of us that we have a duty to our fellow citizens, that we are called to love our neighbor just as we would like to be loved ourselves. By volunteering our time and talents where they are needed most, we help heal the sick, comfort those who suffer, and bring hope to those who despair, one heart and one soul at a time.

圣诞季节让我们每个人意识到我们对我们的同胞有着一份义务,那就是我们应当爱我们的邻居,就如同我们自己也想被别人爱那样。通过自愿的抽出时间,依靠我们的才能为那些最需要帮助的人服务,我们就能帮助那些生病的人得以康复,安慰那些正在受苦的人们,为那些绝望中的人带去希望,一时间便同心同德。 During the holidays, we also keep in our thoughts and prayers the men and women of our Armed Forces, especially those far from home, separated from family and friends by the call of duty. In Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere, these skilled and courageous Americans are fighting the enemies of freedom and protecting our country from danger. By bringing liberty to the oppressed, our troops are helping to win the war on terror, and they are defending the freedom and

security of us all. They and their families are making many sacrifices for our nation, and for that, all Americans are deeply grateful.


The times we live in have brought many challenges to our country. And at such times, the story of Christmas brings special comfort and confidence. For 2000 years, Christmas has proclaimed a message of hope: the patient hope of men and women across centuries who

listened to the words of prophets and lived in joyful expectation, the hope of Mary who welcomed God's plan with great faith, and the hope of Wise Men who set out on a long journey, guided only by a promise traced in the stars.


Christmas reminds us that the grandest purposes of God can be found in the humblest places, and it gives us hope that all the love and gifts that come to us in this life are the signs and symbols of an even greater love and gift that came on a holy night.


Thank you for listening, and Merry Christmas.


By Jessica

June 29, 2011


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