七年级英语第二单元 - 范文中心



七年级英语第二单元测试 I’d like some noodles.

一、 词汇 (10分)

A. 根据中文意思写出英语单词。

1. I like the_______ in the restaurant.(特色菜)

2. We have some __________.(水饺)

3. My brother Steve_______ mutton.(喜欢)

4. Apple juice is a kind of _________.(饮料)

5. What_______ do you have?(型号、尺寸)

B. 根据所给单词填上正确的形式。

6. Bill would like ________( tomato ) and beef noodles.

7.They _______ _______ (would like ) some orange juice..

8. There ________ (be) some beef and eggs in the noodles.

9. She ________ (have) an egg, a small bowl of chicken noodles and two apples every day.

10. I like _________ (listen) to the pop music and watching TV.

二、单项选择 (满分15分)

( )1. - I don't like mutton _____ beef.

- I don't like mutton, ____I like beef a lot. A. and, but B. or, but C. and, and D. or, and

( )2. Some chicken ____ in the bowl. And some eggs____ on the table.

A. is, is B. are, are C. is, are D. are, is

( )3. --- Is that apple large?


A. Yes. It's. B. No, it's small apple. C. No, it isn't. D. No, that's a small. ( )4. I'd like some______ and _______ .

A. porridge, vegetable B. broccoli, tomatoes C. potatoes, bananas D. French fries, orange juices

( )5. Andrew usually has fruit ________dinner.

A. of B. for C. at D. with

( )6. Julie would like _____TV.

A. watch B. watches C. watching D. to watch

( )7. There isn’t any _____ in the tomato noodles .

A. potatoes B. vegetables C. fruit D. meat

( )8. -______ _______ of shoes do you wear?

- Size 7.

A. What B. What size C. What kind D. What color

( )9. The number of _____ on the table ______ six .

A. apples, are B. apple , are C. apple , is D. apples , is

( )10. --Would you like _______ tea?

--Yes, _______.

A. some, please B. any, please C. any, I will D. some, I would

( )11. My brother _____ dumplings_____ beef very much, but I don't. A. likes, have B. doesn't like, have C. doesn't like, with D. likes, with ( )12. ________ is your address? A. Where B. Which C. What D. How

( )13. What size bowl of dumplings would you like,small ,medium _______ large?

A. and B. with C. or D. but ( )14. ---____________?

---I like food and fruit. A. What do you like about China B. What do you look like C. What would you like D. How do you like China ( )15. He'd like some _______ noodles. A. onions and mutton B. onions and muttons C. onion and muttons D. onion and mutton

三、句型转换 (满分20分)

1. kind, what, they, like, of, would, noodles(连词成句) ________________________________________________________________

2. She has a strawberry.(用they 替换she )

They______ some __________.

3. Nancy wants some salad.(同义句转换)

Nancy_______ __________ some salad.

4. He'd like a medium bowl.(一般疑问句)

________ _________ like a medium bowl?


_________ __________ phone number?

6. He wouldn't like to drink tea. (


He _______ _______ to drink tea.

7. I'd like some carrots and mutton.

I'd like some carrots _______ _______ _______ mutton. 8. Can I help you?

______ can I ______ ______ you?


_______ _______ she like?


A) 从方框中选择答案完成对话。

B:Yes. I'd like two bowls of noodles, please.

B: I'd like a large bowl and a small one.

B: I'd like a large bowl of chicken, and a small bowl of egg and carrot.

B: No. I also want two glasses of milk. How much are they? B: Ok, thanks .

D. Ok, I'd like mutton and potato noodles, please.

E. We have beef, chicken, mutton, cabbage, potato, tomato....

F. What kind of noodles would you like?

G. Sure. And what size would you like?

H. I'd like some noodles, please. I. Oh, a medium bowl, please.

J. What sizes do you have?

6-10 ___________ 11-15 ___________

五、完型填空 满分15分

Mumu is a Chinese boy. But now he in the UK. He lives andGreen in London. They are very nice to him. But they like different(不同的) For breakfast, Mr and Mrs Green would like milk, eggs and some vegetables, sometimes they have fruits. Mumu would like milk and eggs, but he wouldn't like the breakfast time. like . He thinks they're. like some fruits.and Mrs Green usually have afternoon tea. For dinner, Mr and Mrs Green have soup, beef, vegetables and fruit. Mumu wouldn't like ( )1. A. live B. is C. am D. isn't

( )2. A. eat B. have C. eats D. to have

( )3. A drink B. fruit C. food D. vegetables

( )4. A. in B. of C. at D. on

( )5. A. clock B. time C. a clock D. o'clock

( )6. A. them B. they C. it D. its

( )7. A. good B. bad C. healthy D. delicious(美味的)

( )8. A. she's B. she'd C. he'd D. he's

( )9. A. Or B. So C. And D. But

( )10. A. any B. some C. many D. a lot

六、阅读理解 满分15分。


Many people like to read the Guinness Book of World Records(《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》), and some people want to be in it! How do people get their names in the book? They do something new and different, such as (比如)making the world's largest(最大的) cake with more than (多于)54,000 eggs.

For many people, it is fun to make world records. It's exciting. But who eats the cake?

While (当...... 时候) some people are making world records, others don't have much food to eat. Hunger is a very serious(严重的) problem in many places. How many old people do not have enough(足够的) money to buy good food? How many children go to bed without(没有) dinner? The answer is "too many".

( )1. How do people get their names in the Guinness Book of World Records?

A. They do something new and interesting

B. They do something new and different.

C. They only have a large cake.

D. They only make a large cake.

( )2. How many eggs are there in the world's largest cake?

A. 54,000 B. More than 54,000 C. Less than 54,000 D. We don't know. ( )3. What's Chinese meaning of the word "problem "? A. 粮食 B. 人 C. 问题 D. 纪录

( )4. Are there any children go to bed without dinner in the world?

A. Yes, there aren't B. Yes. C. No. D. Yes, there're 54,000

( )5.What should we do when some poor people don't have any food?

A. We do nothing. B. We can make world records.

C. We can give them some food. D. We are poor(穷的), too.




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